Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 1452 Words

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12th , 1809. Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky in a single-room log cabin. Abraham Lincoln was named after his grandfather. His parents were Thomas and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. When Abraham Lincoln was young, they had to move to Perry County, Indiana where times were tough and they struggled to get by. When Lincoln was nine years old, his mother died at age 34 from a milk sickness caused by drinking the milk of cows feeding on poisonous plants. Lincoln’s older sister, Sarah, took care of him until his father remarried. Abraham Lincoln also had a younger brother named Thomas who was born in 1812 and his older sister Sarah was born in 1807. Lincoln was mostly a self-educated man. His childhood education was very limited, but he was very smart and taught himself how to read. Abraham Lincoln loved reading and read whenever he had the chance. Most of Lincoln’s knowledge came from reading so often. Abraham Lincoln’s parents didn’t know how to read or write, but he figured it out ( When Lincoln was 21, they moved to New Salem, Illinois. There, he was a part-owner of a general store. The store failed and he became responsible for the debts of his partner, as well as his own debts. After the store failed, he became a surveyor. That career ended quickly when all of his surveying equipment got sold at an auction. During that time, heShow MoreRelatedThe Life Of Abraham Lincoln754 Words   |  4 PagesValenzuela 1 Issac Valenzuela Mrs. Barr 7th Grade Literature May 24, 2016 The Life of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born and raised in a log cabin. He was born on February 12, 1809. His mother was a great Christian. She often told them stories from the Bible. One day, Lincoln’s mother died of poisoned milk when he was only nine. Abraham Lincoln was one of the tallest presidents in our history. He was six feet, four inches tall. 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