Thursday, December 26, 2019

Marketing Communication - 3782 Words

UNIT 1 Objectives MARKETING COMMUNICATION PROCESS Marketing Communication Process After having gone through this unit, you will be able to: Explain the concept and role of marketing communication; Describe the marketing communication process; Discuss some sources of misunderstanding in communication process; and Comment upon the role of the various promotional elements in a marketing communication programme. Structure 1.1 1.2 1 .3 1.4 15 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1:12 Introduction The Role of Marketing Communication Concept of Marketing Communication The Occurrence of Marketing Communication The Sources of Misunderstanding in Communication Elements of the Promotion Mix Conclusion Summary Key Words Project Question†¦show more content†¦Marketers bring out the product because it is the only way they can achieve firm s goals. The role of marketing communication then is to share the meaning of the firm s total product offering with its consumers in such a way as to help consumers attain their goals and at the same time move the firm closer to its own goals. Figure 1 illustrates this linkage. Figure 1: The Role of Marketing Communication Besides goals compatibility, marketing communication seeks to: Inform; Remind; and Persuade the actual and potential buyers for the marketer s offerings. Thus, most buyers do not object to the informational content of promotion because it serves to spread the word quickly about innovations. Imagine how much longer would it have taken buyers to become aware of the functional utility of pressure-cookers had it not been communicated by marketers. Similarly, most consumers would also welcome occasional reminders about products they are already familiar with. Thus, even if most buyers of `Milkmaid are familiar with its compatibility with creative food preparation, its buyers may 6 still like to receive a reminder and even new recipe suggestions from it. The persuasive element of communication has, however, been a subject of much controversy and some justified criticisms too. Many believe that marketers manipulate consumers though clever marketing communication, in making them buy thoseShow MoreRelatedMarketing Communication : Marketing Mix Essay760 Words   |  4 PagesMarketing communication refers to the means through which a business tries to inform and persuade the consumers about their products and services they offer. Different direct or indirect channels of communication are used for marketing. A mix of these different types channels of communication is known as Marketing Mix. 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