Monday, March 9, 2020

Peal Harbor essays

Peal Harbor essays The tragic events that took place on December 7, 1941, is a story that is in American History books everywhere. It is the date of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese just before America entered World War II. In this paper, I will describe the events that eventually lead to Pearl Harbor, the attack itself, and the outcome of the attack. Before the attack, American Officials were becoming concerned about the rising power in the Far East. Because of this, the United States invited Great Britain, France, Japan and other nations to a conference in Washington, DC, that began on November of 1921, and ended February of 1922. In this meeting, each nation attending agreed to respect each others rights with regard to the possessions in the Pacific Ocean. Also, they agreed to guarantee Chinas independence and territorial integrity. There were military agreements as well, each nation having a limit put on their Navy according to size. In a solution worked out, Japan could have three ships for every five American ships, and every five British ships. To Japan, this seemed they had the smaller Navy, and the walked away feeling slighted, but in reality, they had Naval supremacy. America and Britain had ships scattered around the world, but Japan had ships mainly in the Pacific, so even though it seemed like they had gotten the raw end of the deal, they actually With the crash of the Stock Market in 1929, the United States wanted to focus solely on their problems and how to fix them. With that, they became increasingly isolated from Japan, and with the Japanese invading Manchuro, and the rise of Adolf Hitler in 1933, the US saw this as a crumbling world order, and wanted to take no part of it In 1936, the Japanese announced that they could no longer abide by the military agreements of 1922. It was somewhat obvious that Japan wanted to expand their empire, and wou...

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